
Use Yml2tex with LaTeX Beamer on Mac to make Presentation

Im not good at make presentation. But i know sometimes a good presentation will help your business a lot.
I don't mean use PPT can't make good presentation, but for me PPT is hard to use,sometimes I would rather use Word or Html to make my presentation.
Today I found a good tool called LaTeX Beamer, thanks to ZedShaw , he give this link that saved my life.
I haven't used LaTex or Tex on mac, so if you are a beginner like me,
these links maybe useful for you:
  1.    first you need to install MacTex from here.
  2.    Then follow this link to install  LaTex Beamer.
  3.    If you are a coder you may need to insert code to your presentation, you may like to try this small python project to make your things cool ;).

   Enjoying it!
