
www.liageren.com 给我们俩的礼物


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希望你能喜欢 :)



# What is GitX?

GitX is a gitk like clone written specifically for OS X Leopard and higher.
This means that it has a native interface and tries to integrate with the
operating system as good as possible. Examples of this are drag and drop
support and QuickLook support.

After you have started it once, you can install the command-line tool
through the menu (GitX->Enable Terminal Usage…). This will install a
“gitx” binary in /usr/bin.



但事实证明四年的时间让我的记忆出现了偏差,回家的前俩天天气好的很,接着俩天下起了雨。我没看到麦子,没看到老农,只看到了苍蝇,于是痛痛快快感受了一把当年一下打死七个的雄风。现在我们的小镇大不如从前景象,人走的越来越多,街道越来越破,今年很多人种了胡萝卜,但似乎收成也一般,只剩下苍蝇们还依旧生机盎然,成群结队。不对,还有漫街边巷的小狗,现在大家治安不靠狗了,那些个大饭量也大的big guy都换成了小毛犬,每天争斗于剩饭剩菜旁,make love于光天化日下,不避老幼男女。
这篇文章的题目是我很喜欢的俩首歌的结合,October, November Rain.


JQuery: Drag Drop Sort

updated: add the html,

this is the html,

    <% @pages.each do |p| %>
  • ">
    <%= p.title %>
    <% if p.has_children? %>
      <% p.children.each do |c| %>
    • " class="sortable_submenu"><%= c.title %>

    • <% end -%>

    <% end -%>

  • <% end -%>

if you know the rails, it is easy :) .


I need a "Drag Drop Sort " tree in my project. I found some jquery plugins, but all of them seems can't solve my problem, so I decided to solve it use JQuery UI.
All I need are 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-draggable', 'jquery-droppable','jquery-sortable',
these you can download from JQuery site.
Then some code like this:

$(".assets li").draggable({
helper: 'clone'
accept: ".drag",
activeClass: 'droppable-active',
hoverClass: 'droppable-hover',
drop: function(ev, ui){
var drag = ui.draggable;
dataType: "script",
type: "PUT",
url: url,
data: "asset[category_id]=" + $(this).attr('id')
items: '.sortable',
stop: function(e, ui){
var data = $(this).sortable("serialize")
url: "/back/pages/sort",
type: "POST",
data: data,
dataType: "script"

The code is simple, there are some useful callbacks you can use, like start, stop, drop..., you can find them in the doc.

In the sort, this function "$(this).sortable("serialize") " will return the sort result.It works by default by looking at the id of each item in the format 'setname_number', and it spits out a hash like "setname[]=number&setname[]=number".

So do you think JQuery is amazing? Let's Rock!


Add Paypal checkout for Spree

The RailsEnvy guys begin their own casts business---Envycast .They used the Spree to build the site, and allow customer checkout by Paypal.
Some days ago, I use Spree in a site.I think it's better than substruct,because it's more simple and extendable. I also needed to integrate Paypal to it, but some thing make me confused.
1) There are many ways to integrate Paypal, and many articles introduced these ways.First you need to know which way would you like to use? I used Website Payments Standard , if you don't use this way, this article maybe not help you.

2) For test it, you need signup a develop account,then use this account to create a buyer account, and a seller account.

3) When you test your application, you must login the develop account.

4) install the Spree Paypal extension , this extension isn't mature, but can be used.

5) change the extension's default account and some urls to your own

5)there are some html field the paypal server can accept, you need to find what you would like to use.


rails crop image use paperclip and jquery

More and more sites begin to allow user to crop their avatar.
After some time google, I haven't found a easy way to implement this in rails use jquery and paperclip.
So I think maybe this article is helpful.

First I install a jquery plugin imaareaselect , it works well.

I add it in the view,
<% content_for :head do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-areaselect' %>
<% javascript_tag do -%>
$(window).load(function () { $('#duck').imgAreaSelect({ x1: 120, y1: 90, x2: 280, y2: 210, onSelectEnd: set_crop });
function set_crop(img, selection){
<% end -%>
<% end %>

and these lines in a form


<%= hidden_field_tag "crop_left", "0" %>

<%= hidden_field_tag "crop_top", "0" %>

<%= hidden_field_tag "crop_width", "1" %>

<%= hidden_field_tag "crop_height", "1" %>

<%= image_tag current_user.photo.url(:large), :id => "duck" %>

then I write some codes in a moudle, this is the file:

I will extract this as a paperclip extention later. In fact, you can this with prototype too.


Todo on MAC

Im not a 'getting things done' fan,but sometimes TODO list is necessary.You know, the fun of TODO list is writing it, not implement it.
I found two useful tools on Mac, Tasks bundle of Textmate and evernote .

Tasks bundle is pretty simple, but useful. when you install the bundle, then it is there.
The Tasks grammar and commands by default apply to files with the .todo, .todolist and .tasks extensions.

There is a littel problem, the default hotkey use ⌅, which sometimes make you confused.
so I just changed it in the bundle editor, this is the easist way to fix this.For more info,you need to read the original article.

Evernote is another amazing software,it allows you to easily capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient, and makes this information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere.

when you find some useful pictures or web pages, Evernote is a great tool to store them and write some note for them.